Nutrition trends in 2023

Nutrition is a rapidly changing field and it’s important for dietitians to stay informed of the latest trends.

In this article, we will take a look at some predicted nutrition trends for the year 2023 written by nutrition professionals.

Plant based nutrition trend

“Plant-based is here to stay. However, consumers want not just plant-based foods, they want sustainable plant-based products.

Green and repurpose ingredients and use sustainable foods.

Aeroponics: Indoor vertical farming is gaining momentum.

Consumers want to be more agents – this makes the consumer participate, which invites diners to talk and put their phones down. Helping at a social level.

Using wasted products like leaves and other things we normally wouldn’t eat.

You can use donations of food and save on your purchases. And make a contribution to the organization. Make a virtue of ugly foods and scraps and specially support the local farmers.

Think beyond mushrooms and reconsider weeds like wild plants and flowers. They are nutritious and fun to work with.

The Business of Plant Forward

Using 50 % meat or seafood and 50% of a combination of vegetables such as mushrooms, eggplants, onion, etc. is a perfect compromise.”

Sylvia Klinger, DBA, MS, RDN, LDN, CPT

“Plant based eating is on the rise. With more people wanting to be healthier and eating more plant based foods, they will look to meal kits. For 2023, I see plant based meal kits being popular to help busy individuals eat healthier on a plant based diet.”

Kathryn Bonilla Strickland, RDN at Plant Centered Dietitian

“Plant-based diets are trending in 2023. I love that plant-based eating encourages inclusion versus exclusion. With plant-based eating the focus is on adding nutrient dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Following a plant-based eating pattern does not necessarily mean avoidance of all animal products unless you choose.  Just focus on more plants!”

Sheri Berger, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Care & Education Specialist 

“The message that plant based diets are good for health is finally sinking in, so people are adopting plant based meats to replace eating animals. While this is great for the environment, people should keep in mind that alternative meats are still highly processed foods and could be very high in sodium and saturated fat. As always, reading the nutrition label and the ingredient list is very important when choosing food.”

Cristina Svec, MA, RDN, CDCES, CLE, Nutrition and Diabetes Care and Education Specialist with West Oakland Health in CA, USA.

“One big trend I see in 2023 is a continued interest in plant-based foods and products. As the demand for more sustainable and affordable foods grows, I see this as an ongoing trend in the nutrition world.

There is also a growing curiosity by the public for plant-based diets, and many are becoming more open to trying more plant-based meals. I see this with many of my clients, who frequently ask me about vegetarian diets and the benefits of following them. I also attended Natural Foods Expo East in Philadelphia recently, and at least 70% of the products were plant-based.

I think with all of this it’s safe to say the plant-based lifestyle is here to stay in 2023.” 

Melissa Mitri, MS, RD, Nutrition Writer and Owner of Melissa Mitri Nutrition

“Plant-based eating is an emerging trend that roots back to the 1800s when it was known as the Pythagorean diet. 

The popularity of plant-based eating remains today and is here to stay. A lot of people classify plant-based as vegan. 

However, this is not exactly right. Among the American population, there has been a remarkable 600% increase between 2014 to 2018 in those who followed a vegan dietary approach.

Plant-based diets though, come in different versions and include vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, whole-foods plant-based (WFPB), and flexitarian. 

The common ground between those is that they incorporate high-quality whole foods such as minimally processed grains, fruits & vegetables, nuts & seeds, pulses & legumes. 

Unfortunately, not all plant-based diets are healthy and in fact, can include highly processed foods, added fats, and sugars. Therefore, it is important as consumers to be careful when with our groceries, when we go for the “healthy” products which claim to have different health benefits to our health. 

The food industry has seen a huge opportunity for profit here and has increased the production of plant-based foods by 29% only in the US between 2017-2019. Plant-based dairy, plant-based egg products, and meat alternatives are the most common plant-based foods around us from supermarkets and grocery stores to restaurants and takeaways. 

This product growth has been higher than ever before and is only set to get bigger and bigger. Our job as consumers interested in plant based-eating is to carefully select between products and incorporate a variety of foods in our diet mostly plant-based. As we all value our health, it is important to consider how we can eat more plant-based. 

The evidence so far shows an overall positive link between plant-based eating and improvements in cardiac health, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, and even a decrease in risk factors for certain cancers and obesity. 

So the question remaining is: are you ready to take the “challenge” of plant-based to protect and promote your health? “

Anna Kallianteri, Dietitian BSc MSc

Non-alcoholic beverages

“One trend that you can expect to soar this year is the grand entrance of the mocktail. 

These beverages are served in fun glasses with the appearance of a fancy alcohol drink; however, the alcohol is replaced with a non-alcoholic substitute. 

As a society, we have learned over the past several years how important it is to socialize. However, the consumption of alcohol is losing a place at the table in social gatherings. 

This year we will see a rise in non-alcoholic craft beer, non-alcoholic beverages, and alcohol replacements. 

You can expect to see bartenders put as much effort into making crafty mocktails as they did with the cocktails in years past. 

These are often made with herbs, shrubs made with apple cider vinegar, and natural ingredients; and you will enjoy them just as much!”

Daphne Olivier, LDN, RD, CDCES, IFNCP

“The health benefits of reducing or eliminating alcohol include weight loss, lowered blood pressure, and improved sleep.

In addition, a change in your alcohol habits can improve your skin, your brain, and your relationships!

Several options are available for “Sober Curious” individuals including Mocktails, Non-Alcoholic Spirits, Adaptogen drinks, Kava, and CBD drinks.” 

Kathryn Piper, RDN  LD

“There’s already been a surge in non-alcoholic beverages including spirits (or ‘mocktails’), beers, and wines in recent years but I predict this will become more popular in restaurants and grocery stores. 

Online we are seeing non-alcoholic elixir, hop teas and seltzer waters. Some of these beverages haven’t hit most grocery stores.

With the new sober-curious movement more individuals are interested in non-alcoholic beverage options and some are swapping for lower alcohol choices. 

Count me in – I love a refreshing beverage without the alcohol!”

Per the gallup poll “3 in 4 U.S. adults say alcohol use has a negative effect on society, and nearly as many (71%) think it affects drinkers themselves negatively, though more describe the effect as “somewhat negative” than as “very negative.””

We’ll likely start seeing more functional beverages that include things like tea leaf extracts, hibiscus, guava leaf, ginger, cayenne, ginseng, adaptogenics, fruit extracts and more.”

Sara Cully, RD, CPT, CIEC Registered Dietitian and Owner of Sara Cully Nutrition 

“Taste/ body/ aroma – creating non alcoholic juices using a fermenting technique is petty awesome.”

Dr. Sylvia Klinger, DBA, MS, RDN, LDN, CPT

Focus on gut health

“There are several new nutrition trends rising in 2023, but 3 that stand out to me are those promoting gut focused benefits such as fermented foods/probiotics, raw dairy products, and mushroom products.

These are not new and have received a lot of attention, especially in the last decade. However, with the boom of e-commerce and subscription products since 2020 these foods are now being highly circulated and in demand as influencers and online health professionals are joining new marketing strategies such as affiliate programs and promoting these products directly to their audiences.

The accessibility of these foods is also another factor to consider. Probiotic rich snacks and beverages are available at a click of a button and delivered monthly to your door.

Popular stores are now carrying raw milk, cream, kefir, and cheese products that have been found to be immensely nutritious, where before you could only purchase them from local farms.

Mushroom coffee and tea are the new hot beverage available at hip, new startup companies.

Are these trends here to stay? I definitely think the raw dairy products and fermented foods will stay around as evidenced based research heavily supports their benefits, though I’m not sure I feel the same for mushroom beverages as the research is still new in this area.

Cheers to 2023!”

Fay Kazzi, PhD, MS, RD

“The second upcoming nutrition trend is a focus on gut health. With more and more people struggling with IBS and poor immunity, seeking help in improving gut health is definitely a new trend. Many people will find out they can improve their own microbiota when they take action and include more probiotics and prebiotics in their diet. I especially think there will be a rise in the popularity of fermented foods like kefir, yogurt, kimchi, tempeh, pickled vegetables and even sourdough bread.”

Kirsten Reichner RDN

Personalized nutrition for food sensitivity

“What I see trending in 2023 is more people recognizing that the Mediator Release Test (MRT blood test) for food & chemical sensitivity testing, plus LEAP protocol, is far superior to IGG testing, or just a standard elimination diet.

Standard elimination diets are far too much “guesswork” to achieve huge improvements in health in just 10-14 days, like we see with a personalized LEAP protocol.”

Jan Patenaude, RDN, CLT LEAP Mentor 

“Some health trends I see in 2023 include a shift in a one size fits all plan of care to an individual approach. In an individual approach, exploring the links between food sensitivities, lifestyle, toxic exposures, genetics and stress can help one navigate an individual approach to managing health.”

Natalie Sawyer, RN, BScN, CCHNC Natalie Sawyer Nure Coaching & Consulting

“I have seen a lot of discussion about food sensitivities and elimination diets this year. 

Both of these methods aim to avoid foods that may be contributing to bothersome symptoms such as fatigue, joint pain, brain fog, an upset stomach, etc., and have the potential for tremendous benefit. 

In my practice, I frequently recommend one, or sometimes both methods. However, not all food sensitivity tests are created equally. 

Some only measure IgG, however the subtype IgG-4 is a marker indicating a food is being eaten frequently and being tolerated by the immune system. 

Therefore, avoiding foods based solely off IgG testing, that don’t account for IgG-4 tolerance, may lead to unnecessary food avoidance and fear.

Regarding elimination diets, there are several options here as well, such as the Paleo diet, the autoimmune Paleo diet (AIP), an anti-inflammatory elimination diet, and the low FODMAP diet, to name a few. 

So many people are asking for advice about these topics online, and unfortunately, they aren’t getting the help they need from Facebook groups. 

As dietitians, we have the potential to really change lives for the better by addressing underlying food sensitivities, helping debunk some of the myths out there, and helping our patients avoid eliminating unnecessary foods.”

Deb Gerszberg, MS, RD, LDN

“The third up and coming nutrition trend I see is people seeking a more personalized nutrition plan for themselves rather than the one-size-fits all diets and nutrition approaches that have existed for years. 

Many more dietitians, nutritionists, and health coaches are in the private coaching space providing this personalized nutrition help for private clients. 

This will only get bigger and bigger as social media continues to dominate a good portion of most peoples’ life and free time, allowing them to find these private dietitians and nutritionists.” 

Kirsten Reichner RDN

“In 2023, personalised nutrition is expected to continue as a trend in the world of nutrition. 

The use of dietary DNA testing, which analyses an individual’s genetic makeup to determine their unique nutrient needs and response to certain foods, is expected to become even more popular. 

With a growing interest in precision health, people are looking for ways to tailor their diets to their specific needs, and dietary DNA testing provides valuable insights into the role that genetics plays in nutrition. 

In addition, the development of at-home testing kits is making this type of testing more accessible and convenient for consumers. 

As a result, dietary DNA testing is likely to become a common tool for nutrition professionals as they work with clients to develop customised nutrition plans.

As a registered dietitian specialising in dietary DNA testing (aka nutrigenomics or personalised nutrition) I help clients with excess weight or poor gut health to use the power of genetic testing to get clear on their nutritional needs.

 This in turn enables sustainable weight loss, an end to gut discomfort, and improved mood and energy.”

 Helen Phadnis, Registered Dietitian

“I see that in 2023 the trends are going to be towards more personalized nutrition.

Clients and athletes are wanting to be more in charge of their health and also want to be not only be able to see data but specifically know what to do with that data. 

For example, we have for a long time worked with people and athletes with diabetes using continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) to measure blood glucose. 

We have started to use more of this data collection in athletes being able to shed more light on the utilisatuion and timing of fuel. 

We also will see more research into the gut microbiome and how we can support a more favourable environment.  

More and more people are reaching out for solutions to health and prevention. 

With this both clients and athletes will be seeking more professional advice from registered dietitians and nutritionists to help them interpret the data and make sense of what actions need to be made to see health benefits both for everyday life but also in sport. 

I believe that AI and the interpretation of this in a simple way will be where registered dietitians and high performance nutritionists will be spending more of their professional time with clients”

Claire Fudge, Registered dietitian and High Performance Nutritionist

Mindful and Intuitive eating

“A huge trend that I see happening right now is mindful eating and intuitive eating styles. 

We know that people are turning away from extreme dieting and looking for a more balanced approach. 

While this sounds simple, it’s actually incredibly challenging to implement when we are inundated with messages about fad dieting. 

Choosing balance might look like focusing on how you pair foods together, incorporate your favorite foods rather than restrict them, and exercising because it feels good for your body rather than to punish yourself for calories consumed.”

Caroline Thomason, RD runs a private practice in Northern Virginia for women who want to stop dieting and find confidence with food.

“I believe folks are finally seeing the futility in counting calories, obsessively tracking macros, and allowing their self-worth to be dictated by our culture’s body and beauty ideals. 

I’m also seeing a shift away from extreme fad diets toward mindful and intuitive eating.

 People want food freedom! They are tired of following external diet rules and want to get reacquainted with their internal eating wisdom.

Life-long dieters are coming around to see diet culture for what it truly is: a life thief.

Additionally, with a growing focus on improving mental health and body image, intuitive eating is becoming more appealing to folks. 

I appreciate the opportunity to work on coping strategies and body image within my scope as a dietitian, but also the opportunity to collaborate with other HAES aligned providers in the mental health space to build a really great team for our clients. 

While there are still many dietitians practicing dietetics from a weight-centric model, I’ve seen a shift among my colleagues toward Health at Every Size. 

With time, I think that HAES will become the new standard of care, and most dietitians will practice from a weight-inclusive lens, especially given the amount of research emerging on the futility of intentional weight loss efforts.”

Sara Flitter, RDN

Budget-friendly foods

“A new type of prepared meal is expected to be trendy with consumers this year. 

With more people going back to the office and food prices soaring, busy families are looking for economical ways to both spend less time in the kitchen and eat with health in mind. 

Due to the price of home delivery meal kits and consumers’ uncertainty about the nutritional value of frozen meals, 2023 may see an upward trend in sous vide heat-and-serve entrees.

These entrees often include meat, poultry, or vegetables, but all are pre-seasoned and sometimes even sauced.  

Using the sous vide cooking technique, foods can be mass-cooked to perfection, sealed, and sold in grocery stores at a price that falls between home delivery and microwavable dinners.

Typically, a consumer will need to pair a sous vide prepared meat with a veggie, as they are sold separately. 

Brands like kevin’s Natural Foods and Roli Roti are dominating the market with their sous vide entrees and sides because they can be heated in about five minutes. 

Prepared sous vide meals are found in most national grocery chains as well as local stores in a refrigerated meat aisle.”

Colleen Wysocki-Woods, MS, RDN, CLC Owner of Edible Edits & ZEST Nutrition

“The world of nutrition is always changing and trends are always rising and falling. 

The first thing I see coming is many people will be searching for more budget-friendly foods to buy. With more food shortages projected and current grocery prices really pinching peoples’ pockets, there is going to be a shift in the foods people buy. 

Foods that have rising prices (like chicken, eggs, milk, and flour) are not going to be purchased as frequently, and many people will start to shop more strategically by buying in bulk, choosing cheaper food brands, and focusing on reducing food waste.”

Kirsten Reichner RDN

“With the current cost of living crisis upon us, with rising energy prices and food prices spiralling out of control, many of us are looking at how we can reduce our living costs. 2023 will be the year where we will be focussing more on reducing food waste and perhaps more of us eating a plant-based diet.

Here are her top tips to help cut the costs:

1. Prepare your meals from scratch – better to avoid prepacked vegetables and processed

foods and prepare your meals from scratch. Doing more home cooking means you know

exactly what is going into your food. Also, it will mean that you can batch cook and freeze

any leftovers for another day and avoid wastage. Buying ready meals and processed foods

will cost you a lot more.

2. Buy frozen or tinned fruit and vegetables if you cannot afford to buy fresh all the time. They

are still packed with lots of vitamins and minerals and just as healthy.

3. Avoid branded foods and buy the store/supermarkets own brand which usually work out


4. Choosing other protein sources has become increasingly more popular over the last ten

years or so. Meat and fish can be expensive to buy so looking at alternatives such as beans,

pulses and legumes will mean that you can still have a healthy meal and ensure you are

having all the nutrients you need in your diet.

5. Avoiding food waste and being creative in the kitchen will also reduce your food costs.

6. Get together with friends and family and have dinner parties or bring and share dishes.

This will mean that you reduce costs by eating out at restaurants and have some really

enjoyable fine dining at a fraction of the cost of eating out.

7. Start growing our own fruit and vegetables – there are many fruits and vegetables you can

grow in your own garden even if you are short on outside space. Also, it will become a

fulfilling and enjoyable pastime and even help with mental health and wellbeing.

8. Shop with a list – try and be organised and take a list when you go food shopping. This will

mean you avoid impulse buys and things you really don’t need!”

Debra Williams, Registered Dietitian MSc BSc (Hons) 

Vegan Pregnancy nutrition

“So, as an expert vegan pregnancy dietitian, I want to start with the fact that yes a well-planned vegan diet can be perfectly healthy during pregnancy.

Each year there is a rise in the number of people signing up for Veganuary. The vegan society estimated that globally 629,000 people signed up in 2023 and 800 new vegan products were launched!

The statistics show the majority are likely to be women between 18-34 who may be planning a family or who are pregnant.

It is important that when following a vegan diet in pregnancy certain nutrient groups are given a little more attention to support both a woman throughout pregnancy and her growing baby. This includes protein, iron, calcium, iodine, Vitamin B12, choline and omega 3.

As an expert vegan pregnancy dietitian, my role is to support and empower vegan mums to be throughout pregnancy to ensure nutritional balance and provide specialist knowledge if needed.”

Hannah Whittaker, Expert Vegan Pregnancy and CMPA Dietitian.

Sustainable investing

“Millennials don’t invest like their parents, but they consume and invest in companies that are sustainable.

Most companies try to avoiding taking huge risk because:

·  Regulatory issues

·  Safety (for products, employees)

·  Keep their reputation and brand value

How sustainability Performance Affects Company Value: A new Era

Human Capital

Labor/human rights policies and practices

Supplier code of conduct and compliance programs

Nutrition and product wellness

Corporate governance and sustainability oversight

Using best practices – companies that are setting the bar in these sustainable issues:

Hot issues/Emerging issues

·  Food waste

Taking action within your sphere of influence – Challenge for us

·  Food impacts on health, climate and labor – waste less food at home, which is the largest contributor to climate change and food shortage.

Viewing Healthy from different angles

How might we shift from nutrients to food groups and ingredients to help build healthier eating patterns?

How can we meet foods that promote health regardless of their halo?

We are under consuming veggies and under consuming dairy and if we are going to lower the foot print by eating less dairy than we need to know how to meet the nutrients from dairy and protein, which have a high equity. We are under consuming healthy oils and over consuming trans fats.

More consumers are consuming out of home dining.

Consumers don’t know how to count calories or what they mean.

Health and Wellness

For food – Find the produce, then find cooking method and then find how to combine the flavors that can go together with the meal

Flavor – Inspiration comes from plants forward and cuisines around the world. It should be about making nutritious foods delicious but talking about the flavors and the nutrition is the bonus but don’t start with that.

Flavor should come first.

We eat with our eyes – ie. Instagram

Make simple, few ingredients, meals. This could reduce the infobesity.

Abundance of information not always correct and often confusing, to the public

Don’t try to communicate everything – we have “Infobesity”

We are suffocating people! Free of everything package foods are guilty – each one wants to be awesome on the front but then the ingredients are all powders and chemically prepared foods

Don’t explain the “we are free of xxx” rather celebrate the whole foods – delicious food – Looks pretty, functions and by the way is nutritious.

We want to identified the “next ingredient”

Labels – We all have a responsibility to read and look and ask the questions of the food we are eating.

Don’t make nutrition complicated, but don’t oversimplified messages.

Focus on the flavors and the food first then on nutrition content.

Sometimes we get Nutrition crazy when we concentrate single nutrients

HEALTH and WELLNESS is not at the top of mind when people are on vacation, but when is delicious and have a great taste in a convenience package and at the right price – then that gets their attention.”

Sylvia Klinger, DBA, MS, RDN, LDN, CPT 

Overcoming technology addiction and poor nutrition information

“As we are now into 2023, the trend that I see that is far and away contributing to bad health choices that lead to poor mental, emotional and physical health is a combination of the following: 

1. Advancing technology (iPhones and tablets for example) that end up dictating what we do instead of us having control over ourselves, Thus, contributes to the bad habit of choosing short term comfort (IE watching Tik Tok for hours per day/binge eating/no selfdiscipline ,etc.) over uncomfortable decisions in the moment that bring long term results (IE exercising, moderating food portions, implementing self-discipline, etc.) 

2. The overwhelming amount of poor nutrition information that we have at our fingertips and the watered-down arena of fake online coaches/motivators that do NOT practice what they teach, but want to make a quick buck, that cause confusion over how to lose weight and become a healthier version of ourselves. 

My goal is to reverse both trends by practicing what I teach through my own nutrition and exercise habits that I have implemented and followed for years that have led to me being the healthiest version of myself. And to guide in reversing bad nutrition habits and to help take control of the mind, instead of the mind controlling your health decisions.”

Marc Giant, RD and Nutrition Coach Certified

Flexible dieting

“​​The biggest trend I see in 2023 is women and men are learning the flexible dieting lifestyle.

Macros are the hot topic these days, you hear people talking about it at the gym, it’s all over social media, biggest fitness influencers are talking about it.

A macro lifestyle is one that everyone needs to learn. It’s a scientific based approach that incorporates all 3 macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein and fat) these magic numbers have a way of changing one’s body composition as a result you will look lean and strong and feel great with lots of energy.

Combine this with strength training and you’re already winning.  The combination of doing both is simply magical. This is definitely the way to go if you want to feel your best and eat well.”

Rima Elfar, owner of Fit with Rima

Functional foods

“Many people are looking to get more out of the food they eat and are turning to functional foods. A functional food or functional food ingredients can be defined as those that provide health benefits beyond meeting basic nutrition needs. Foods with functional food benefits include examples like:

  • Yogurt – While providing calcium and high-quality protein, yogurt also provides probiotics, which are live bacteria that are important for gut health.
  • Salmon – Salmon is a high-quality protein that is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. Omega 3 fatty acids are important for heart health as they can help raise good, HDL, cholesterol. They also help buffer free radicals (aka the bad guys) that can cause damage to our cells.
  • Eggs – A good source of protein and other nutrients, eggs are one of the best sources of choline in the diet. Choline supports brain health including the growth and development of the brain, and helps with memory, thinking, and mood as we age.
  • Oats – Oats are a source of beta-glucan fiber that’s good for your gut and for your heart. In fact, the soluble fiber found in oats can help lower bad and total cholesterol. Oats also contain polyphenols including a unique group of antioxidants called avenanthramides, which can help fight inflammation.

There are also many brands that have taken to the functional food trend. Examples include:

  • OLIPOP – OLIPOP is a better-for-you soda. It contains a whopping 9 g of prebiotic fiber per can, which is 32% of the Daily Value for fiber. This can help you full faster at meals, as well as stay full longer after eating. Plus, OLIPOP helps support gut health with its blend of ingredients including prebiotics, botanicals, and plant fiber, and the real bonus is it tastes like soda without all the sugar.
  • Vital Proteins Creamers and Vital Proteins Bars – Vital Proteins adds collagen peptides to coffee creamers and bars. Collagen is abundant in the amino acids arginine, proline, glycine, and hydroxyproline, which are necessary for ligament, tendon, and joint health. As we age, we naturally produce less collagen, so consuming in our diet and with supplements can help provide our body with collagen, as well as stimulate the production of it naturally.
  • So if you are looking to follow a health trend for 2023, a good one is to try to consume more foods that give you more than just basic nutrients, but those that have other components that help promote overall healthy living.

Amy Godson, MS, RD, CSSD, LD

Lower caffeine coffee 

“The trend of lower alcohol drinks is now moving into the coffee and caffeine industry with more people becoming aware of some of the negative side effects of caffeine, such as the disruption to sleep patterns or anxiety and the dreaded “crash”.

But many enjoy the energy perks of their morning coffee… enter lower caffeine alternative coffee blends such as those made with functional mushrooms like lion’s mane and adaptogens such as Ashwagandha offering sustainable energy through the day, reducing inflammation and improved focus!”

Rahel Tesfu, Registered Dietitian

Mushrooms on the Grocery List

“Mushrooms have been gaining ground in the health realm for several years as popular media has begun shedding light on their nutritious value and culinary versatility. 

There are thousands of varieties of edible mushrooms, and eastern cultures have used many types for both culinary and medicinal purposes for centuries. Western cultures are just starting to recognize the extensive health benefits mushrooms can provide, most notably for cancer and cognitive health.

Nutritionally, mushrooms are relatively high in protein and contain chitin, beta-glucans, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin D (if exposed to ultraviolet light), potassium, phosphorus, and selenium. 

Mushrooms are also one of the only notable food sources containing the antioxidants glutathione and ergothioneine. Many cities have small suppliers of varieties such as oyster, enoki, shiitake, lion’s mane, and maitake at Asian markets, organic foods stores, and farmer’s markets. 

However, as demand increases across the US, we can expect to soon find higher availability of many varieties nationwide. Most Asian markets also carry a few dried varieties, including cloud ear, snow fungus, and shiitake. Some varieties which are thought to have particular medicinal properties are also available as supplements, including reishi, lion’s mane, cordyceps, and chaga.

The demand from consumers for information on mushrooms and how to use them in cooking will only continue to grow. 

Dietitians are well-equipped to help the public identify evidence-based resources on mushrooms and how they can implement them into their own diets.”

Kimberly Baishnab RDN, LD, CLS

“With a surge of dietitians, nutrition coaches, and “influencers” leveraging social media to expand their businesses, skepticism among consumers is at an unprecedented level.

Consumers are constantly exposed to an overwhelming amount of content and sponsored ads, making them cautious about who they engage with.

Therefore, it is crucial for us to shift our business approach to a relationship-based model that prioritizes building rapport and trust with our audience.

One effective strategy is to offer a low-cost initial assessment or service, which serves as a gateway for people to get to know you and your offerings.

Once trust is established, it will be easier for them to invest in your full packages and programs.”

Dr. Javier A. Carlin, PT & Marissa Carlin, MS, RD, LDN Co-Founders of The Practice Revolution

“In the 2023 social media landscape it’s all about quality over quantity.  The average user is engaging consciously with accounts they really like, which is great news because it means that if people are engaging then they are a warm audience.

Gone are the days where you need to post daily and be on social media constantly to see results, again more good news.  For the dietitians I work with, a good content strategy with a minimum of 3 posts a week that are driving people to your offers and to engage will get results.

Focus on good quality feed content, where you are visible as the face of your brand and get comfortable with video as soon as possible, as it is the preferred medium that users like to consume.  The more natural and real the better, show some personality and show people what it’s really like to be in your world.

Then back that up with a solid presence on Stories, as that is your warmest audience on Instagram, to further nurture and convert your fans into paying clients.

You don’t need to utilise every feature on the platforms to see results, start with these foundations and then pick the other features that will support you to execute your overall strategy.”

Stacey Cranitch, social media educator from The Ambitious Dietitian 

RD’s are the nutrition experts, and companies must seek the advise of experts just like we seek the counsel of a doctor when we are not feeling well. Companies want to be part of the solution and the RD has the knowledge and expertise to guide companies to make smart decisions about the future of the food industry and to find ways to develop products suitable for a healthy lifestyle.”
Sylvia Klinger, DBA, MS, RD

There is a common sens in all, including eating, and we all have an inner voice that could guide us in the right direction, but which we usually bring to silence.

I think most people know what to eat to be healthy and enjoy life but they don`t do it.

The big problem is not lack of information, but lack of motivation.

To help our clients succeed, we have to understand them as individuals and realize that our nutrition knowledge won`t help them if we don`t know how to coach them.

A great nutritionist is also a great coach.”
Lora Lapusanschi, Nutrition Coach – Registered Dietitian

“I fully support the positive image movement, professionally and personally. No one should be judged or labeled based on how they look. However, as a physician, I have to say it straight: obesity is a disease. We don’t judge people suffering from it as well as we don’t judge people suffering from peptic ulcer or any other disease. The good news is that obesity is a treatable disease, even though there are no magic pills for it (yeah, there are not, no matter what you’ve heard or seen).

Treatable disease – that is- one has to go to the doctor and work together with him/her and, if needed, with the care team (where a physical therapist/trainer, a psychologist and a dietitian might be involved). And yes, the treatment always includes diet and exercise, but the type of diet and the amount of exercise should be prescribed by the specialists!”
Dr. Raluca Motrescu, MD

“Food labels are underutilized by consumers. Part of the reasons for not reading the label is that the consumers do not possess the necessary knowledge to be able to understand them. Healthcare professionals have an important role in educating the population, starting at the individual level, by providing them with basic information that can help the consumers make healthier choices, and consequently, contribute to the prevention of nutrition-related diseases.”
Simona Dumitrescu, RD

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10 ways to get more clients as a nutrition professional in 2024

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