Simplify nutrition through technology

Our Mission

Our mission is to simplify and democratize nutrition through technology for professionals (dietitians, nutritionists, health coaches, fitness trainers and doctors who are doing nutrtition) and for their clients.

Our Story

Everything started on a cold winter night at the beginning of 2016. We were talking with Dr. Mitrache and asked her what does she use to create nutritional plans. She told us “pen and paper”. We realized that we can simplify the nutritional activity and after we talked with several nutritionists, dietitians and doctors we identified a few problems:

  • Most of the nutritionists are spending a lot of time because they do repetitive tasks by hand
  • Personalized Nutrition means a lot of boring calculations
  • Communication between nutritionists and clients doesn’t exist outside of the clinic or is poor

We then built Nutritio – virtual assistant for nutrition professionals, put it in front of one dietitian and made changes until she was able to use it in her work then added more nutritionists, dietitians and doctors, collected feedback, improved the platform and did it again until we had the ideal product.

We are constantly improving it based on feedback received from you. Since we are a startup we are very flexible and agile and we can adapt to everyone’s needs.

Our Team

Laurentiu Nicolae

Laurentiu Nicolae
co-founder, CEO

Led the development of several products. Focuses on marketing and communication.
Dragos Gurgui

Dragos Gurgui
co-founder, CTO

Technology enthusiast involved with several startups. Passionate about parenting, science and health.
Andrea Fanica

Andrea Fanica, MS, RD, CLEC
nutrition consultant

Strong education professional with a Master of Science focused in Nutrition and Dietetics from Loma Linda University, CA
Lindsey DeSoto RDN

Lindsey DeSoto, RDN, LD
content writer

Clinical Dietitian with long experience creating high quality content.
nutritio founders

10 ways to get more clients as a nutrition professional in 2024